2024 Indoor QRE'S
Geelong Archers is holding a series of Indoor QREs in the lead up to the National/ State Indoor Championships
Dates are:
Tuesday April 2 Evening
Thursday May 2 Evening
Thursday May 16 Evening
Sunday May 26 Morning
Tuesday June 4 Evening
Address: Geelong Slovenian Association, 100 Asher Rd, Lovely Banks
Times: For evening events Range opens 6.00pm, Official Practice from 7pm, scoring at completion of 3 practice ends
For Sunday Morning events, range opens 9.00am, Official Practice from 9.30am, scoring at completion of 3 practice ends
Rounds: WA 18 Indoor round
Shooting Fees: Geelong members $5.00, non members $15.00
Register via Archers Diary, pay shooting fees at venue
Please Note: If you have registered but are unable to attend, please let us know ASAP by email recorder@geelongarchers.com.au or ph 0448 567 187